Saturday, December 12, 2009

Medical Questions More Condition_symptoms Female Why Do People Ask People From The INTERNET Important Medical Questions Concerning Themselves?

Why do people ask people from the INTERNET important medical questions concerning themselves? - medical questions more condition_symptoms female

Why do people ask people from the INTERNET important medical questions about yourself?
I am a bit lost on some medical issues, I see people who call themselves here, especially if they have visited the doctor, then raised on the subject. Why not ask these questions a doctor or a second opinion from another doctor. I am surprised that people turn to the Internet, not people who know how to answer a question about his health and well-being. What are your views on this subject?


Horse Up said...

Some people are wondering out of curiosity, maybe someone can give an idea, or maybe someone has experienced the same thing, or things before they examine the doctor. But when people come here and ask what I will do my baby had a fever for days, or issues like .. is beyond me. These people are stupid. Common sense would someone with a brain, ask when and if they call or go to the doctor.

rml313 said...

Try not to further comments to be a doctor to tell you all the little things

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