Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pinky Brown Discharge Day Before Period Due Does This Sound Promising ???? Am I Pregnant?

Does this sound promising ???? Am i pregnant? - pinky brown discharge day before period due

My LMP 7th October was also involved in ovulation in about 12 i mi 21 to 22 man and I BD'd 20, 21, 22 and 23 years. 2 DSB had some bright spots, which were pink and then a brown color, which lasted about 4 days. Then, yesterday at 8 DPO I had a couple of points there was some kind of pink mixed with the cream of the red discharge (sorry TMI) is now back brown. I'm on my next period until the 4th November. Even the 3 DPO my breasts were very painful, as someone who uses them as punching bags. I clicked on tender breasts during the month, but not before a few days before it is due and never feel that way. I kept them when I go. And usually only 2 or 3 days before menstruation.
I also had a very bad mood ..... thatITE bit ** and reality. So, I'm just looking for advice ... I took three tests and are negative .... Could I be pregnant and have just completed the test too early?

This is so abnormal for my body to the above do.


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